Vibes from around the world. Woman wearing red stands in ancient monument

Vibes From Around The World

United we stand as one tribe. For peace and good vibes. Join our tribe on #VibesTribe and get featured.

Ever since I was a kid, I was mesmerized with the beauty that lies in the differences between cultures. From far east to far west, it seemed like humans of the world were collecting bits and pieces of the ultimate truth, that when weaved together would create the most amazing art one could ever imagine. 
As I grew older and started exploring the world, starting with our neighbors and friends in Jordan, to Turkey, Greece, more of Europe... to India and the further East and West, I decided to bring all cultures together in one place.
How? By putting together the most amazing collection of handmade pieces that those people put their heart and soul into making, and by telling the stories of those artisans, of their friends and family, and of everyone who deserves to be recognized for the efforts and love they put into this world. 
We might each be one tiny drop in this universe, but we're humongous. Because we're are one tribe, and together we form the bigger picture. #VibesTribe



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